
30 November 2010

// Happy Birthdayy II

*Syira Bebo

was Her birthdayy ! and guest what?
aku lupe nak wishh =="
ape punyaa kawan daa !
err babe im so sorry .busy tht time.tak berniat nak lupaa
the thing is aku still nak cakap kat kauu

A Happy *belated Birthdayy Amalina Syahirah Syamsul Bahar !
hope kauu happy nan Ondular Cabelo or wht ever his name is.haha ^^
iloveyouu till when when laa makcikk tuaa !
*kenapa makcik tua? sebab bitrhdayy aku belom sampai so , aku makcik MUDA :)

haa muahh muahh ♥ tehee..

*Love :
Nur Syazwani Zaini